JorDann, Cole, Kim & Kyle
The 2008 Sonoma Marin Fair was here and gone so fast!
All of the Junior Swine Breeders were winners at this years fair. Not one exhibitor won it all. It was spread pretty evenly amongst all of the kids. This was nice to see. They all worked really hard, and their teamwork and camaraderie was something to be rewarded.
We also had some kids that did not have any animals to show that worked very hard (Alia) during the fair, assisting kids and helping care for the animals that should be recognized. There should be awards for these kids next year. Each barn should nominate an extraordinary person or helper.
Tip of the day:
Make sure all of your animals have clean, cold water during these hot summer days. Make sure that your water source for them is not in direct sunlight (hose). The hoses hold hot water and it gets too hot for your animals. If the water is too hot, the animals will not drink it, and they will be subjected to dehydration and a possibly even death.
JorDann & "Big Rig" aka "Buddy"
Cole & Ruby after a long hot day at the fair